Disassociate Vendor Admin (Firm User Login)

Disassociate Vendor Admin (Firm User Login)

  1. Registered Firm Owner No Longer Owns the Firm and is Requesting Transfer to Another Owner

  2. No Longer a Participant in Program(s) or No Longer Interested in Pursuing Participation in Program(s)

  3. Firm owner Wishes to Delegate to Another Person (i.e. subordinate, partner, etc)



  1. Login as Ops Support User via the Federal Employee login page https://certify.sba.gov/max_gov

  2. On Ops Support Dashboard Click User Search

  3. Search Vendor User email address

  4. Click the name under Name column

  5. Click Disassociate

  6. Click Confirm Pop-Up to disassociate the User

  7. Final Page will display this users does not have any assignment

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