Fill out and Edit your 8(a) Application

Fill out and Edit your 8(a) Application

Log into your Certify account. You will see several application choices, select the 8(a) application. You will immediately begin filling out your Eligibility information, then upon finishing this section you will be taken to your Application Overview where you can review and complete the other sections. Each section has various questions/prompts to help complete your application and upload documents.

It is recommended that you start by adding additional relevant contributors after completing Eligibility; see “Add Contributors” below for details. After, complete your Individual Contributors section by selecting “Add or Update your DVD Information.” When finished, you will be returned to the Application Overview where you can complete the remaining sections (Business Ownership, Character, Potential for Success, and Control). As you complete each section, you must select "Save and Continue" to move to the next page.

EditsSelect the section title (ex. Individual Contributors) where you wish to make edits and make necessary changes. The edit will not be saved unless you continue through the section and click "Save and Continue.”

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