Reports from Certify Admin Page

Reports from Certify Admin Page


This article lists all the reports that are launched from the Certify Admin page. Currently we have three reports:

  1. SBA User Access Requests

  2. Ops Support Access Requests

  3. Capability Statements

Each report is pulled on an ad-hoc basis when requested. There is no automated schedule for these. The person creating the reports is the Certify Administrator who receives the request.



Produced By

Received By

Example of Report


Produced By

Received By

Example of Report

SBA User Access Requests


Users that have requested access to http://certify.SBA.gov

Administrator who receives the request.

Person/Party who is requesting the report.


Ops Support Access Requests


Request is made. Ensure that roles, programs, and business units are correct. If there are any errors, the request is to be rejected and the user will need to resubmit the request.

Administrator who receives the request.

Person/Party who is requesting the report.


Capability Statements


Firms that have successfully uploaded/replaced their capability statements.

Administrator who receives the request.

Person/Party who is requesting the report.



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