How do I update a personal address for verifications?

How do I update a personal address for verifications?

I received a request to update an address for VA verification, now what?

The primary applicant (the person who submitted the application) must edit the application for any/all applicants.

Log in:  http://veterans.certify.sba.gov

Go the applications in progress, top right corner of the screen:

Image of the VetCert home page where you can see the Applications in progress.


Use the save and continue button at the bottom of the screen to move to the business owners tab:

Image of the sections of the VetCert application where you can move to the business owners tab.

On the business owners tab, click the edit button for the owner that needs to be updated:

Image of the Business Owners page where you can update information.


On the edit screen, update the address, PLEASE ENSURE THIS ADDRESS IS UPDATED TO REFLECT THE OWNER'S http://VA.gov ADDRESS:

Image of the Individual Owner Details where you can update the information including the individual owner address.

Save and Close on this screen.

Please click Save and Continue in the bottom right corner to proceed thru the application and resubmit to SBA - so long as the address is the only correction made, you will not have to complete the owner questionnaire or e-signature again:

Image of the Certification Application Status page where you get a confirmation that information was updated.


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