VetCert KB
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Does my Joint Venture need to get certified by SBA?
Does my Mentor-Protégé relationship require certification?
How do I complete an advanced search of veteran-owned small businesses and download my results?
How do I confirm my VOSB/SDVOSB status on my application?
How do I know when I need to recertify my business?
How do I notify SBA that my joint venture is pursuing a contract?
How do I recertify my business?
How do I register for VetCert access to apply for certification or re-certification?
How do I report a Joint Venture (JV)?
How do I report to SBA the changes to a certified business?
How do I submit an application on behalf of a Veteran?
How do I update a personal address for verifications?
How do I update the banking information on my | Home entity registration?
How long before my certification expires should I begin the recertification process?
I am certified by NVBDC, can that certification be transferred?
I am the Veteran sole owner/majority owner but live in a community property state - is this a problem?
I cannot find a copy of my CVE/VA determination letter, how can I get a copy?
I have a second job; can I still certify my business?
I have a silent partner, can I still get verified?
I just got my certification from the VA, when will I have to recertify with SBA?
I need to correct my application, I'm not currently certified by another SBA program. How can I do this?
If a business is owned 50/50, both are veterans, but only one has a service-connected disability, how do I apply?
If I am denied, does SBA explain why?
If I am denied, how long to I have to file an appeal?
If I am denied, what must be included in an appeal?
If my certification expires while I have a contract, does it nullify that contract?
Is an Operating Agreement required for an LLC?
Is my SBA Veteran Small Business Certification good in my state for state contracts?
Is there a difference between veteran owned and veteran controlled?
Is there a Federal VOSB goal in contracting?
Is there a hearing before a denial?
Is there still self-certification or only certification/verification by SBA?
Is verification or certification required for non-VA contracts?
My NAICS code doesn't show in my SAM profile, how do I fix it?
My VA/CVE SDVOSB verification has expired, do I have to start over?
My verification is getting ready to expire, will my verification be extended one year by SBA?
Need Help? Get free business counseling.
Once certified, is the SBA linked to other systems (VIP, | Home ) or do I have to send information to those systems?
Once I am certified how do I search for set-asides?
Once I apply what is the average wait time to get verified?
Public Search by NAICS
If I am denied, what is the appeal process or what are my options?
What is the required required documentation for a VetCert application?
Required Documents: Minutes establishing the current operating practices
Required Documents: Operating Agreement
Required Documents: Articles of Incorporation, including all amendments
Required Documents: Bylaws: All corporate bylaws and amendments
Required Documents: Certificate of Formation
Required Documents: K-1
Required Documents: Limited and Limited Liability Partnership Agreement
Required Documents: Partnership Agreement
Required Documents: Proof of State Filing
Required Documents: Stock Ledger or register showing a clear and complete history of all corporate stock transactions
Required Documents: Proof of Marriage
Where can I find the ‘SBA How To Prepare’ Fact Sheet?
What is the VetCert Support Contact Phone Number?
What contract information do joint ventures need to report?
What do I need to get started?
What is a Letter of No Objection?
When is a Letter of No Objection required?
How do I provide a Letter of No Objection?
What happens if I don’t provide a Letter of No Objection?
What is the benefit of getting certified?
What is the definition of “Small Business” for the Veteran Owned Small Business (VOSB) or Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) certification?
What is the difference between selecting the all awards purpose of registration and the financial assistance purpose?
What is the Federal SDVOSB goal for agencies?