What does WOSB/EDWOSB Self-Certification mean?

What does WOSB/EDWOSB Self-Certification mean?

SBA neither certifies nor approves businesses into the WOSB Program. As such, SBA does not issue a certification letter for self-certified WOSB or EDWOSB. SBA certification means that SBA has reviewed the eligibility documents and determined that a business meets the eligibility requirements for a Program. SBA does that with the 8(a) Business Development and the HUBZone Program but not with the WOSB Program. 

Please note that businesses SELF-CERTIFY and submit the eligibility documents to the WOSB Program Repository establishing their eligibility. If a business has provided the eligibility documents to the WOSB Program Repository and updated its SAM reps and certs as WOSB, it is all set to compete for contract awards. Federal contracting agencies would not and should not ask for proof of WOSB certification.

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