How to Reset Your Password

How to Reset Your Password

  1. Click the blue "Login" button.
  2. On the "Sign in to certify.SBA.gov" page (below the email and passphrase fields) click on the "Forgot your password?" link.
  3. On the "Forgot Password" page, enter the email address you used to register with Certify.sba.gov. (note: it is very important that your email address contains no typos or misspellings to ensure that you receive the email containing the password reset link.)
  4. When you receive the reset email, click on the link contained within to create a new passphrase. Please note the instructions below for creating your new passphrase.

Creating Your New Passphrase

Your password must be showing as "strong" in order to be accepted.

Passwords must meet the following parameters:

At least 12 characters
At least one uppercase letter
At least one lowercase letter
At least one special character from the following options:

? ! @ $ % ^ & * - = #

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