Section 6: Adding, Removing, and Updating Contributors

Section 6: Adding, Removing, and Updating Contributors

Screenshots are subject to change as new versions of MySBA Certifications are released.


The Contributors Dashboard is a complete view of the Controlling Entity’s contributors that have ownership & control of one or more subsidiaries.

In this dashboard, users can add, edit, and delete contributors.

Users may search for contributors by using the search feature on the right or using the sorting features in the Name, Title, and Email columns.





To view a contributor, select a contributor from the list. A detailed view of the contributor’s identification and contact information will pop up below the list.




To add a contributor, click Add New. Enter the contributor’s identification, including name and title, and contact information. Once complete, select Add.




Once added, the contributor will appear in the contributors list. The listing will grow green to affirm the addition.




To edit a contributor, select Edit. Edit all relevant information and select Save.




Once edited, the listing will grow blue to affirm the change.




To delete a contributor, select Edit then Delete in the bottom right corner.




A modal will appear to confirm your choice. Select Delete to permanently delete the contributor. Users may select Cancel if they do not wish to delete the contributor.




Once deleted, a green message will appear at the top of the list to confirm the successful deletion.

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