Logging into the Controlling Entity Dashboard

Logging into the Controlling Entity Dashboard




Logging in from MySBA Certifications Home Page





Business applicants encounter screens in the following order when accessing MySBA Certifications:
MySBA Certifications Home Page (Certifications.sba.gov) > Login Page > Controlling Entity Dashboard


Step 1 - User selects Login from the MySBA Certifications Home Page (Certifications.sba.gov)
Step 2 - User is navigated to the MySBA Certifications Login Page and signs in
Step 3 - User is navigated to the Controlling Entity Home Page

Note: Controlling Entity POCs may only log in to an existing Controlling Entity account. Users cannot create a new account or start the onboarding process without an invite code.



MySBA Certifications Home Page

The MySBA Certifications Home Page (Certifications.sba.gov) provides business applicants with: 

  • Information on SBA certifications

  • Access to login or registration for a MySBA Certifications account

  • Access to the MySBA Certifications Knowledge Base


Log In Page
Sign Up Page

The MySBA Certifications Login Page displays after a user selects Login on the MySBA Certifications Home Page. If a user needs to create an account they can click Sign Up to view the Sign Up page and create an account.

Controlling Entity Home Page - Header

Once logged in, the User will land at their Controlling Entity Home Page with the following sections and elements:

  1. Header - The Header is a persistent section across all screens and dashboards. This section contains (from left to right):

    1. Dashboard - Commonly used to navigate back to the Home Page

    2. Messages - Navigates user to the messages portal

    3. Documents - A repository of previously uploaded documents

    4. Entity Profile - Basic information about the Controlling Entity

Controlling Entity Home Page - Firm Notifications
  1. Firm Notifications - The notification preview pane shows all relevant notifications from applicant businesses that are connected to the Controlling Entity.

Controlling Entity Home Page - Applications
  1. Applications - The applications preview shows the Controlling Entity Application whether started, in-progress, or submitted. Users can click Continue to complete their draft application. Once the application is submitted, users can click View to see a read-only version of the application.

Controlling Entity Home Page - Connection Requests Preview
  1. Connection Requests Preview - The connection requests preview section shows all pending connection requests from applicant businesses. Users can click Open to navigate to the Connection Requests section.

Controlling Entity Home Page - Subsidiaries Preview
  1. Subsidiaries Preview - The subsidiaries preview shows a high-level overview of all holding companies and applicant businesses aligned to a user’s Controlling Entity Matrix. Users can click Open to navigate to the Subsidiaries section.

Controlling Entity Home Page - Contributors Preview
  1. Contributors Preview - The contributors preview shows a high-level overview of all Controlling Entity contributors. Users can click Open to navigate to the Contributors section.

Controlling Entity Application

The Controlling Entity Application is filled out and submitted for SBA review. An Entity-Owned Business application cannot be approved until the associated Controlling Entity Application has been approved as well.


Connection Requests Dashboard

The Connection Requests dashboard shows pending and reviewed connection requests from applicant businesses. Users can approve or deny connection requests in this dashboard.

Subsidiaries Dashboard

The Subsidiaries Dashboard shows the current matrix holding companies and connected applicant businesses. Users can add, edit, or remove subsidiaries in this dashboard.

Contributors Dashboard


The Contributors Dashboard shows all listed contributors across the controlling entity and holding companies. Users can add, edit, and remove contributors in this dashboard.

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