Sequence of the Application Process

Sequence of the Application Process


Screenshots are subject to change as new versions of MySBA Certifications are released.



To understand the overall business application effort in MySBA Certifications, we need to break it down into its component processes. The visual provided here shows each process as a bulleted item, grouped in a general sequence from Initiating Processes, to Core Processes, to Closing Processes (much like a traditional beginning-middle-end structure). Note that Core Processes can be divided into those that occur prior to the Common Application and those that occur afterward (as indicated in the visual).​

As we explored earlier, each user/role type involved in a business application has specific responsibilities and inputs required of them to fulfill the sequence of processes. This requires coordination among the application team, and knowledge of which roles hold which responsibilities. Let's explore that next.




The Qualified Owner is responsible for ALL Initiating Processes and Closing Processes in a business application. The QO is the only role eligible to complete these inputs in MySBA Certifications.​

Initiating Processes include:​

  • Claim Your Business​

  • Select Intended Program(s) for Application​

  • Assign a Delegate​

  • Invite a Delegate​


Closing Processes include:​

  • Review and Sign​

  • Submit Application​

Because the QO is the initiator and leader of the application, they have no contingencies placed on their access or permissions within MySBA Certifications. In fact, the QO must exercise their commanding authority within MySBA Certifications to assign/invite a Delegate and any Contributors whose actions and inputs are required to complete the application.​

The Delegate is like the QO’s personal assistant in the application effort. The QO may assign/invite the Delegate to complete any/all of the Core Processes.​

These Core Processes include:​

  • Ownership​

  • Ownership - Individual​

  • Ownership - Organization​

  • Control & Operations​

  • Eligible Program Selection​

  • Individual Contributor Questionnaires (Delegate may complete on QO’s behalf)

  • Invite a Contributor​

  • Program-Specific Questionnaires​

  • Document Uploads​

While the QO is generally permitted to complete any of these Core Processes at will, it is common for a QO to call forth a Delegate to support the completion of them as a means to establish a division of labor in the application effort. Given that the Delegate must be assigned and invited to participate, this is a noted contingency on their involvement in the effort.​




While Contributors have the most limited MySBA Certifications access of all role types during a business's application effort, the information they provide toward Core Processes is essential to the application's completion. ​

Like a Delegate, a Contributor must be invited to participate in the application effort; note that this invite may come from either a QO or a Delegate. After receiving an invitation code to access MySBA Certifications and provide inputs, a Contributor will complete any of the following Core Processes as needed:​

  • Individual Contributor Questionnaire​s (which contain personal information and therefore must be completed independently by the Contributor)

  • Document Uploads​

A Delegate may also serve as a Contributor, and will receive a separate invitation code used to log in and fulfill that role (during which their access in the application is restricted to that of a Contributor).​

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