SBA Connect Registration User Guide / DSBS Application

SBA Connect Registration User Guide / DSBS Application



1. Purpose

The purpose of this document is to provide instructions for registering with the SBAConnect as a DSBS user and request access in order to update DSBS Supplemental Pages.

Follow the instructions provided to:

  • Register with SBAConnect

  • Request access to DSBS  

  • Access the DSBS Supplemental Pages

2. Request SBAConnect User ID

  1. Enter the SBAConnect website URL in your browser: SBA Connect

  2. Click on the link “Create an account” in the left navigation panel (see Figure 1).

Figure 1. SBA Connect Main Page
  1. Complete the requested information to create an account, including an email address and language preference (see Figure 2).

Figure 2. SBAConnect Account Creation Page
  1. You will receive an email from no-reply@login.gov, containing a link to confirm your email address and create a strong password. Once completed, select Continue at the bottom of the page.

  2. Next, you will see five authentication methods to set up. Select Text or Voice message and enter your phone number. At the bottom of the form are two options for how you will receive system-generated codes via text message (SMS) or phone call. Select the preferred method, wait for a system-generated code to be sent, and enter the six-digit, one-time code and submit.

  3. Once the authentication process is completed, this verification method will be added to your account.  Additional authentication methods may be added in the future. 

  4. Complete the Profile Information screen. entering all the mandatory fields (starred with a red asterisk) and submit (see Figure 3).

Figure 3. Profile Information Screen
  1. Once you have completed the mandatory fields and clicked Submit (see Figure 3), you will be redirected to the Dashboard Screen (see Figure 4) which will greet you with “Hello [Your Name]”

Figure 4. User Dashboard Screen

3. Request Access to DSBS

To add your businesses to your SBA Connect account and access DSBS Supplemental Pages, your profile must be:

  • Active

  • Small (with at least one NAICS code small)

  • Fully registered in SAM


  1. Using the top navigation, click on Access and select Request Access from the dropdown menu (see Figure 5).

Figure 5. Click on Access/Request Access
  1. In the System Selection page, expand DSBS (see Figure 6) and submit request.

Figure 6. System Selection Page

To request access, select DSBS profile and enter the business UEI and the Bank Account Number provided on the Financial Information page of your active http://SAM.gov registration (see Figure 8). If the UEI and Bank Account number of the firm cannot be validated, you will receive an invalid input message. If the UEI and Bank Account Number of the firm can be validated, then you will receive a message pop-up stating “Success!” A confirmation email will be sent to your profile email noting the registration is approved.


  1. Your system access request will be auto approved.

Figure 7a. System Selection DSBS Tab

 NOTE: Users are able to add more than one UEI. To find out how to add multiple UEIs, refer to this video.

Figure 7b. Click on UEI Link

4. Access DSBS Supplemental Pages

Once you have been approved, you will have access to the welcome page for the SBA Supplemental Pages (see Figure 7a & 7b).

  1. At the bottom of the page in the SBA Connect User dashboard select the UEI link to access DSBS Supplemental Pages.

Figure 8. SBA Supplemental Page
  1. Enter the information requested in the "Left Text Box" or "Right Text Box” and select Next at the bottom of the page.

  2. Enter Primary NAICs codes and Keywords.

  3. Review the Small Business Certification Statement. Enter your name and the date you reviewed it and Save (see Figure 9).

Figure 9. Mandatory Fields/ Small Business Certification Statement
  1. After saving the information, you will receive a message indicating that you were successful. For each of the eight (8) screens that follow (see Figure 10), review or edit and select Save/Next. 

Figure 10. Screens to review and confirm (Above 8 screenshots)










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