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summary Sequence of the Application Process Initiating Processes
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Screenshots are subject to change as new versions of MySBA Certifications are released.
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Initiating Processes are completed only by the Qualified Owner (or QO) of the application.



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This page displays after a QO selects Begin on the Post-login Landing Page (see Section 1 of this User Guide for reference).


In order to start the application, the QO must claim a business from the registered business database.​ To do this, identify your UEI, CAGE code, associated bank account number, and TIN and enter the information for each into corresponding fields on the page. Then select Find.


Before advancing in this process, we recommend that you ensure your account is active and up-to-date. Any changes you make in will require administrative review and activation, which may cause delays in the application process.​

Also, remember that SBA will only accept “Claim a Business” submissions from Qualified Owners. If you are not a QO, then do not proceed.​



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This page lists key information tied to the business the QO is seeking to claim, and presents a dropdown menu to confirm the business type (sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, etc.).

The QO will select the appropriate business type from the dropdown and then select Next to proceed.



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This pop-up window presents when a business has already been claimed and is unavailable.


Select Close to return to the Claim Your Business entry page.



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The QO chooses their intended program(s) for application by selecting the corresponding radio buttons at the top right of each option box.


Options include:

  • 8(a) Business Development

  • Women-Owned

  • Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned

  • Mentor-Protégé Program

  • HUBZone

  • Veteran-Owned

  • Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned


*Note:This page differs from the “Eligible Program Selection”. Here, the QO is selecting which programs they wish to apply for from a list of all programs. On the “Eligible Programs” page, the QO will be presented with a tailored list of programs they are actually eligible for, based on the Ownership & Control information they’ve entered.

When finished, select Next.



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This page asks if the Qualifying Owner will be assigning a Delegate for the application.​ Select Yes or No, and then select Next at the bottom of the page.



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If “Yes” to the previous page, the QO will enter Delegate information into each field on this page and select Next when finished.​



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Once the QO enters Delegate information, this page displays a summary of the Delegate information.​ Verify all information is correct. Select Previous to return to the previous page and make corrections, or if Delegate information is already accurate, select Next to proceed.



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After assigning a Delegate, the QO will select Send Invite to send an e-mail to the address provided for the Delegate.​


Any application tasks accessible to a Delegate are also accessible to a Qualified Owner. Up until this point in the process, the QO has been the only role eligible to perform basic setup tasks for the business... however, all tasks defined in the Delegate section are also available to QOs who wish to perform them directly and without an assigned helper. ​


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This page requires a QO to select whether their business is Entity-Owned, meaning the business is owned or controlled by one of the following qualifying entities:

  • Agricultural Cooperatives (AGCO)

  • American Indian Tribe (AIT)

  • Alaska Native Corporation (ANC)

  • Native Hawaiian Organizations (NHO)

  • Community Development Corporations (CDC)

If the QO’s business is entity-owned, select Yes. If not, select, No.

NOTE: A QO cannot remove or undo the Claiming Entity-Owned process once they have selected they are entity-owned. If a QO would like to apply as a non-entity-owned business, they must cancel this application and start a new one.

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If the QO is applying as an Entity-Owned business, please select the relevant Controlling Entity type and search for the name of the relevant Controlling Entity in the search box below.

Once found, select the proper Controlling Entity. Confirm your selection by selecting Yes to the Connection Verification question, then select Submit.


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A pop-up will appear to confirm your Controlling Entity selection. Please confirm by selecting Continue.

The QO’s Controlling Entity will receive a request for connection in their Controlling Entity Dashboard and confirm or deny their request to connect. The QO is free to complete and submit their application however, their application will not be processed for approval or denial until the Controlling Entity confirms their connection to the applicant business.

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If the QO is unable to find their Controlling Entity in the dropdown list, the QO may invite a new Controlling Entity by selecting Invite New Controlling Entity.

Once selected, the QO must provide information for the Controlling Entity, including Controlling Entity information, a primary contact, and location. Once complete, select Next.

QO will be presented with a summary of the information entered into the form. The QO will review their inputs and confirm accuracy by selecting the checkbox below the summary and selecting Submit.


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A pop-up will appear to confirm your New Controlling Entity request. Please confirm by selecting Continue.

The QO is free to complete their application, while the POC of the invited Controlling Entity completes their tasks in the system.